New project provides Illinois businesses with tobacco cessation program
A University of Illinois project is aimed at helping employees at small businesses kick the habit.
The newly launched “Be A Quitter” project is designed to provide small businesses with a tobacco cessation program for their employees. The project provides businesses with the premium EX program, which has been extensively tested and boasts one of the most successful participant quit rates of any tobacco cessation program.
“Our mission at Illinois Extension is to provide unbiased, research-based solutions to the challenges faced by Illinois residents, families, communities and businesses,” said project director Allen Barton. “This project does exactly that.”
Upon enrollment, participating businesses get materials to promote employee participation, with all remaining activities managed by the project team and program developer.
“They get on-on-one coaching with tobacco team experts, they get a personalized tailored quit plan delivered via phone, an app or computer, and they get nicotine replacement therapy for eight weeks,” Barton said.
The cost of employee participation is covered by a research study affiliated with the project. As part of the study, individuals complete five brief online surveys over the course of 12 months during which they have access to the EX program.
In Illinois, the smoking rate is lower than it is nationwide. An estimated 15.9% of the 18 and older population in Illinois are smokers, the 22nd lowest smoking rate among states.
Illinois businesses interested in the project can visit
This article was originally posted on New project provides Illinois businesses with tobacco cessation program